Sensory Bins!

Sensory Bins: Do More with Less! 

For the first 1.5 years of my daughter’s life, I was on an endless mission to find a toy or activity that would occupy her for more than 15 minutes so I could get things done around the house. Our toy bins and closets (and let’s be honest…under couches, hiding behind chairs and stuffed under beds too!) were filled with toy after toy. It didn’t matter how “educational” the toy or activity was supposed to be…it’s like my girl had an internal timer in her brain that made her abandon each one after a tiny amount of time. 

How in the world was I supposed to get anything done around the house? 

Then I discovered the amazingness of two words….

Sensory. Bins

To be honest, I had seen them on Instagram and Pinterest before but was too hesitant to try them. I just envisioned my little lady flinging small objects in every direction and adding chaos to my already cluttered home. Looking back now, I wish I had started using sensory bins earlier. They are my favorite toddler time management tool. Like…..ever. 

The best part? If you get yourself set up with the right tools and equipment, they only take around 5 minutes to set up. And the best part of that best part? I can usually get anywhere from 20 minutes to almost an HOUR of independent play time out of my kids. *insert happy dance here*

You only need a few sensory bin items on hand to make your life easier—Here’s what I recommend: 

Storage Tub

It has the perfect height on the sides…low enough for little arms to reach over, but high enough to keep the sensory materials inside. Bonus points: it also works great for storing all the sensory materials after you’re done! 

Feel bougie and want the Rolls Royce of sensory bins? This is my absolute fave! It is double-sided, so my two kids can each have their own section with no arguments. It comes with adjustable legs to grow with your child.            

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The Ingredients

Dyed rice, dried beans, oats, water beads, and kinetic sand are my favorite fillers for   sensory bins. And boy oh boy are they easy to store! I keep mine in plastic, resealable bags. Put the bags in a cool, dry place and you’re good to go for years. Yes, years. I’m going on two years with most of my sensory fillers! 

Want to save time and purchase some pre-made sensory bin fillers? I got you girl! Let me make your life easier with low-cost, themed fillers. Go to the SHOP page on our website to browse ready to play sensory bin fillers. If you are joining Playschool you will love to incorporate these with my preschool curriculum. 

Model Behavior

Are you afraid that your little is just going to make a mess? Totally understandable! But with the right training, they can become a sensory bin pro! First thing is to model behavior. Show them how to play gently. That we do not throw the materials or eat them. (Seriously) Then my favorite phrase is “Let it snow, dont throw!” Letting them know they can let it gently fall from their hands into the bin but we never throw the sand/water beads/rice. Finally, I have the three strikes and you’re out policy. If they do not use the bin properly, they get three warnings before it goes away to play another day. With close guidance my son became a sensory bin pro as early as 18 months old!

The Tools

We keep these fine motor tools right with our bins. Why special tools? These are designed for little hands to increase muscle strength. We want these kiddos to have little bodybuilder hands. Just kidding….kinda! Toddler hands, muscles, tendons and ligaments are underdeveloped, which means it is much harder for them to hold writing utensils for longer periods of time. The motions of scooping, squeezing and pouring strengthen their hands so it will be easier for them to write, cut and color in school.  The tools below will keep your child very busy.


Take the leap into sensory bins. I’m glad I did!